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2016-01-14 00:13:29



·        公司注册地址和银行户口



·        本地管理层





·        合适的工作人员




The importance of company substance in the Netherlands

When aforeign corporation establishes a presence in the Netherlands, it needs to be awareof the important issue surrounding ‘substance’ in order to maintain a properstanding. There are different kinds of substance requirements in theNetherlands for different purposes such as the inclusion of a company in aDutch fiscal unity for corporate income, ability to apply for a Dutch advancepricing agreement, or apply for a Dutch advance tax rulings or apply Dutch taxtreaties.  This article sets out toprovide an overview of the basic substance criteria and the importance ofsubstance in general.

·        Registered address and bank account

There are no (real) legal requirements for a Dutch company to havesubstance in the Netherlands. The only legal requirement for a company is tohave its registered address in the Netherlands, while not being - to the bestof its knowledge - a resident of another jurisdiction for tax purposes. Companysubstance will increase by having a local bank account, preferably at adomestic major bank.


·         Local management

Next to a registered address and a bank account, there are other vitalsubstance matters e.g.  local management.Although it is not legally required by law to have management substance in theNetherlands, from the tax perspective, it is highly recommendable to have atleast a Dutch resident director/manager. This director/manager must have(restricted) signing and procuration powers in order to be accepted by the taxauthorities as local management. Without local management, the tax authoritieswill in most cases doubt the presence of substance in the Netherlands. Thismeans that they will deny the company a taxation identity (e.g. a VAT number).


Although perhaps superfluously please be aware that the director /managerneeds to be able to work legally in the Netherlands. He has to live or befactually residing in the Netherlands. In addition he must know how to operate inhis capacity as a director of the Dutch company.


·        Adequate personnel

The company has to hire qualified personnel (either its own or fromthird parties) in order to perform the work in an adequate manner. The totalpersonnel capacity should be consistent with the company’s actual activitiesand workload during a certain period.

Substance issuesmay carry an unfavorable impact on the outcome of the VAT number application. Alsoinsome cases the Dutch tax authorities have the power to revoke a VAT number thatis already in use based on their substance assessment. Please note that all substancecriteria listed above should be met on a continuous basis. Limited liabilitiescompanies should be warned that substance is also one of the DutchImmigration’s key focus areas in the application and assessment process of thePublic Register Recognized Sponsorship for hiring highly skilled migrants.

In case ofdoubt, we recommend that you contact us via e-mail or telephone to make anappointment to discuss the possibilities. We together with our partners canprovide you with tailor-made service and support. 

MPR Accountants BV

Kasteelweg 51
3077 BN Rotterdam
Postbus 91125
3007 MC Rotterdam

Tel. + 31 (0)85-8770710


